New Book Reveals How To Make The BANKS Pay You Instead 

...without You Ever Paying A Lawyer A Single Dime!

Dear Friend,


If you’ve ever  felt  despair, powerless or trapped by your debt, and have ever had the dread of what tomorrow would bring simply because you owed more than you have, then I really want you to read this now.


Because, I've been there too. I once worried about credit scores, debt and even had to file a bankruptcy once to stop an eviction. Lemme tell you, It was a lonely space to be in.


Because of the shame of what felt like endless failure, I couldn't seek help and expose myself to the embarrassment I would suffer over my finances. Because I couldn't seek help, I had no idea what was even possible and I'd rely on gimmicky nonsense from TV personalities; even get-rich-quick plans. I was a victim of what I call The Bad-Debt-Cycle.


I too stayed up late nights panicked about what fresh hell the next day would bring me. It was like drowning over and over again with no way to catch a breath... 'Let alone a break.


The helplessness I'd feel in my deep in my sinking gut when another bill should show up and then the next, and another was too much to bear. I wondered if it would always be like this. Having to play an endless game of minimum payments, payment plans, extending due dates or just stalling all to decide which bill would be paid next. 


You might be fortunate enough to not have that problem and be in a good-debt-cycle.  Where scores are high and bills are paid early or on time. But you might have heard of ways to get further ahead but have gotten lost in all the noise on the internet. Well, I've been on that side too. Only to have it all come crashing back when loosing a job.


I just wanted a way out of all of it, a leg up. Some shortcut to financial freedom that wouldn't get me in any trouble. Some actual, LEGAL and verifiable break. Because, Like anyone else, I want joy, happiness and the respect that comes with financial security. 


I am a single parent to a great teen who stays out way too late and worries me to death (seemingly for the thrill of it). But if I could teach him only one thing it would be this: Both debt-cycles are traps. But, there is a completely legal way out of any Debt-Cycle.


See, while I fought for custody of my son I was forced to learn the law because I couldn't afford attorney's. MY son's mother, however, could afford a deep bench of attorneys. So, to sharpen my sword for the big custody battle I practiced consumer protection law as a pro se (I represented myself in court).


As I did, I accidentally discovered the single best road out of the peaks and valleys of debt-cycles. When it was all done, I actually discovered how to get paid to leave the debt-cycle. Now I have a teachable system. So now, all of the pain of debt is behind me and forever will be. Because I turn debt into dollars.


As over the top as this will sound, this is the honest truth: YOU CAN MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR DEBT.


So, if you want to learn how I make tens of thousands of dollars, so you can legally and ethically beat them at their own game, once and for all, then my new book: HOW TO GET WHAT THEY OWE YOUis the most important book you’ll ever read.

But first, A WARNING:

This is not sovereign citizen legal theories, not credit repair, not debt relief and not bankruptcy. I can't stress this enough.


The techniques in this book are based on TESTED and VERIFIABLE laws and not some legal sounding theories.


Most of my customers are people that are relieved to know that I am not a lawyer. Because, I do not have a loyalty to courts or judges. My loyalty is to the Truth and my customers. I am Not restricted by customs or regulations, I can show anyone what I know without fear of reprisal​.


However, I do have more than 60+ legal cases and huge settlements under my belt to draw from.


So, when I say tested and verifiable I mean I've done this repeatedly and it works. 


I am not a lawyer so, I tell it like it Is and explain the law in plain English. I truly do my best to make the complicated so easy, entertaining, and clear.


Understand me now, these methods are more powerful than most people dare to to consider. But they are completely legal and ethical. Everybody knows there is work involved in doing anything worth doing. This is no exception.


I obviously can't guarantee you any specific outcome. And my results are not typical. I do not know what you will do when you have these secrets. Unfortunately, all too many do nothing.


So, if you want the big rewards (and I mean really big!) I am talking about with no work and no effort then this book is not for you.

Here's What You're Getting

First of all, HOW TO GET WHAT THY OWE YOU isn't like any credit/debt book you've ever read.


There's no fluff or filler - just battle-tested tactics that are working right now.


And it's easy to read.


At 114 pages, you can read it in an afternoon.

And It's About MORE Than Just Making Money From Your Debt.

See, you can use the same system in this book to make money from all kinds of consumer interactions even those with no debt.


For example, I've also used the same system to get win money from Credit Bureaus with the knowledge of how courts actually work.


One of your fellow customers used the info the book to to stop a foreclosure dead in its tracks.


A client in the Restaurant business used the same strategies to make $24,500.00 from a $700 medical debt ...and then using the same strategies to turn force the debt to go away from his own credit report."


So like I said, there's more to this little book than "just" making money from debt. Here's a fraction of what you're getting...

  • Why good credit makes you more at risk for financial disaster and what to do to avoid it. Pg.10

  • How To Get Them To pay you, even if you never set foot in a courtroom. This is the secret legal strategy that made me $15,000.00 of debt free cash from an $800.00 credit card debt! Pg.47

  • Why having bad credit and worsening debt could be the answer to all your money problems. The hardest hitting Truth in this book! Pg.96

  • Making money from debt is illegal right? Wrong! This little known secret right, used correctly, makes them pay you, Big Time! Pg.32

  • The truth about what Financial Gurus, Credit Repair Techniques, Bankruptcy, Debt Consolidation and even Sovereign Citizen “law” all have in common. Why both exist only to keep you poor. Pg.4

  • The truth about your Creditor why their collections department is not a debt collector. But the hidden laws that make them pay for violations anyway. Pg.37

  • How to use your memory alone as the strongest evidence in any case, and why not even the best attorneys in the country can beat this one tactic. Pg.73

  • 53 violations you can use to hammer debt collectors, banks, credit bureaus, credit card companies and more. And the ways to calculate what they owe you. Appendix II

  • 1 surefire way to sneak into a courtroom and get hours of free legal education any day of the week. Pg.66

  • You need to law degree or a college education to beat a top-level attorney right. Wrong Again! Learn the leverage you have over attorney’s simply because you are not one. Pg.85

  • What to do if you’re not a lawyer, have no legal training and are scared of confrontation. These secret techniques make masters out of mice! Pg.86

  • Demand thousand of dollars from your bank or credit card company. And the 3 most important things you must know to make sure the law is on your side. Pg.48

  • What to do to dispute a billing error the right way. And why doing it by phone is a dirty trick banks use to protect them from you winning. Pg.36

  • Say goodbye to searching the internet for violation laws  Jim Winner's Violation Cheatsheet makes it effortless. Index II

  • The only 2 ways their attorney will begin negotiating dollar amounts with you. What to look for and what to do in each scenario. Pg.54

  • 3 ways to get high-priced lawyers in your area to train you for free and give you all the templates you can ever use for the price of making copies. Pg.87

  • 5 ways they hide the Shocking Truth About Credit And Debt, and what you must realize about them both right now. This secret could save you years of frustration. Pg.10

  • What to do if a lawyer knows the judge and they are conspiring against your rights. Pg.93

  • 2 ways to make $500-$1,500 whenever your bank or credit card company calls your cell phone. Pg.37

  • Say goodbye to being legally powerless. Learn how having no money makes you more powerful than any corporation or billionaire! Pg.70

  • You need bankruptcy to stop the debt cycle right? Wrong. See why bankruptcy protects your bank while costing you thousands. Pg.16 & Pg.37

  • The one shocking secret first allegiance all attorneys share. It’s not to their client. Pg.62

  • How to eliminate your fear of court and play hard ball like a pro attorney. Pg.87

And much, much, more! 

But you know what you'll really love?


"Listen. If you don't like "going to court" you're not alone.


I can't stand it either.


I'd literally rather do hard manual labor than be a typical "lawyer".


And that's why I've spent years developing the system I'll be giving you at the end of this book.


When you use it, two things will happen.


First, you'll see exactly the types of complaints and demand letters I'd use to make my bank pay me without going to court.


You'll come away with a clear view as to how the legal process works. But Even better these are not templates! They are just samples. Because, I tell you exactly how to find the best versions of these forms that will actually work in your home state!!


This is really important to you because it sets you up for a long-term success by avoiding what the typical newbie fails at that makes the process long and hard; Drafting legal documents! 


The next thing you'll notice is this:


You'll know how to negotiate with tough, seasoned, hardened attorney's at he top of their game!


And you'll do it without using any pressure, because you will know what they are up to before you ever talk to them. Because I expose their negotiating strategies!


That's because of the way the system works.


I've created it using a combination of 3 advanced Legal Principles and strategies and a new approach called "Debt-Hacking" that actually destabilize debts by finding the legal ways they owe you more than you owe them!


Yes, you heard that right. Your banks, debt collectors, credit card companies may actually owe you more money than you owe them, and I show you how to find it when you use this new approach I'm including in your book, for free."

Here's What To Do Next

"The "cost" of this book is $8.60, and you get it instantly as a download.


As soon as you place your order, you'll get an automated receipt with a link to download the book directly in your email.


You can access it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait for the mail man.


Oh, and in case you're wondering ...

There Is No Catch!

OK listen.


I realize this is very inexpensive you might wonder what the "catch" is.


And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.


This isn't one of them.


There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.


I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $8.60, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.


My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.


But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:"


This is the price of the eBook version prior to printing the hard copy version.


When the print version is delivered the cost will be upwards of $29.95 at bookstores and on Amazon.



So why would I do that?




I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.


I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me.


Pretty straightforward.


Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.



"Oh. And in case you're wondering ...




Of course there's a money-back guarantee.


In fact, I think it's ..."

The Boldest Guarantee In The World

I 100% Guarantee you'll love this book or I'll return your $8.60 and let you keep the book anyway.


That's right. 


You don't even have to send anything back. 


Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your $8.60 with no questions asked.


How's that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before It Expires

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to speaking with you soon.







P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:


I'm offering you a 114 page book that outlines how to get thousands of dollars from the people who you owe money to ...even if you have no money for a lawyer.


The book is $8.60.


I'm also walking you through a "Debt-Hacking" system I created that's causing people to make debts vanish while making cash, legally and ethically!


(Don't worry - "Hacking" doesn't equate to "sneaky" or "computer hacking" or anything like that. It's 100% built on actual REAL verifiable laws.)


What's important about this is it doesn't use any sovereign citizen nonsense, bankruptcy, credit repair, debt-relief or debt consolidation or any of the typical stuff you might associate with "debt/credit". (And in my experience, it simply works better.)


On top of all that, I'm also giving you 2 FORMs that I'd use to make money from debt, free, which shows you exactly how to implement what you learn in the book.


This is a very limited offer because it's a pre-publication offer for 4-DAYS ONLY. I am hoping for some great feedback!


There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.


In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back the $8.60. You don't even need to send the book back.

and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.


This incredible offer ends when the timer hits zero!!

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